Water Quiz for Classes VI to XII
All living things ( plants & animals ) need water to live.  Every year 'World Water Day' is celebrated for making the citizens to understand about the importance of water and to raise awareness about usage of water.

Developed by Mr. D.ARAVINDARAJA, PST, ASN GHS, Mudaliarpet, Puducherry in collaboration with State Training Center, Puducherry.
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1. Ancient Symbol of Water is
1 point
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2. Which of these activities waste the most water per day in a home?
1 point
3. Keeping the Water running when you brush your teeth wastes a lot of water. *
1 point
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4. Fill the Slogan "Water is ______________, Conserve it". *
1 point
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5. The World Bank is helping Indian States to improve the management of groundwater resources through a programme called *
1 point
6. Find the Odd Word from the Water Bodies *
1 point
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7. In the agrarian state of Punjab, where rampant tubewell irrigation is causing the water table to fall drastically, the Bank helped the state government pilot an innovative scheme to conserve groundwater. Find the name of the scheme.
1 point
8. Who is the Minister of Jalshakthi in India? (Jalshakthi - National Water Mission)
1 point
9. ____________ is a branch of meteorology and hydrology that studies the transfer of water and energy between the land surface and the lower atmosphere.
1 point
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10. Which one is Water Rich Fruit? *
1 point
11. Photographer Mehdi Mohebi Pour, has won the highly coveted prize of Environmental Photographer of the Year for ‘The Bitter Death of Birds’ (2021).

For what Purpose was this photograph selected and awarded?
1 point
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12. Find the Water Rich Vegetable *
1 point
13. Watch the Video and answer the question below
Catch the Rain Campaign was launched in the Year __________ by our Honourable  Indian Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi on the occasion of Celebration of _________ with an objective of _________________ *
1 point
14. What should you do if you see or hear a leaky tap in your house? *
1 point
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15. What will you do to save water? *
1 point
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