ITHAKA 33: Workshops
ITHAKA is er weer! En hier komen ook de leukste workshops bij kijken. Deze editie hebben we drie toffe workshops: Bric-à-Brak female gaze, WISPER Urge to Jam en een chairdance initiatie by DC Studio. Reserveer hier snel je plek.

ITHAKA is back! And this includes the funnest workshops. This edition brings three awesome workshops: Bric-à-Brak female gaze, WISPER Urge to Jam and a chairdance initiation by DC Studio. Fill in the form below to secure your spot. 
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De volgende workshops zullen worden gegeven:

16:00 WISPER Urge to Jam

16:00 surprise initiatie (more info soon)

13:00 Bric-à-Brak female gaze
15:30 Bric-à-Brak female gaze
Twee workshops gluurdozen maken 👀
WISPER Urge to Jam 5/03
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Chairdance initiation by DC Studio  6/03
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Bric-à-Brak female gaze 8/03
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