Pulse Alive 2023 Student crew nomination form
Pulse Alive is a large-scale event, providing high-quality opportunities in the performing arts for students and teachers from NSW public schools in Greater Sydney and beyond. 

Pulse Alive will be held at Ken Rosewall Arena, Sydney Olympic Park on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 March 2023

Final applications are now open for NSW public school students in Year 11 and Year 12 studying VET Entertainment in 2023 to nominate for the Pulse Alive 2023 student crew.  All positions will have the opportunity to work alongside industry professionals and will give a great insight to students looking to pursue careers in this area of the entertainment industry.

Students will be able to use their work at Pulse Alive to log 35 hours of industry work placement towards their course..

Applications close: Thursday 9 February 2023 (Term 1 Week 3).

Please ensure you view the Pulse Alive information package before submitting an application. It is important that you understand the commitment required before submitting your nomination.

Please note:

  • this category is only open to individual students
  • you will need to include your audition video link/s as part of this nomination form.

For further information, please contact the Pulse Alive team at pulse@det.nsw.edu.au.
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Email *
Student details
Student first name *
Student surname *
School *
School principal first name *
School principal surname *
VET Entertainment teacher first name *
VET Entertainment teacher surname *
VET Entertainment teacher email *
Year  *
Gender *
Student mobile
Student email  *
T-shirt size *
Please indicate preferred t-shirt size.  Principal vocalist t-shirts should be quite fitted and not over-sized for the performance.
Audition details
Video link/s *
  • Refer to the Student Crew requirements for your audition video prior to submitting this application.  
  • Videos should either be uploaded to YouTube (as an unlisted link) or Vimeo with a password (please be sure to include the password to your video on your application form)
  • Add video link/s and passwords (if applicable) below
Areas of interest *
Please select all areas of production you are interested in applying for.  Be sure to reference these in your audition video.
Crew experience *
List any experience or information you would like to add to support your application.   
Student medical details
Student medical details
Provision of this information will significantly assist coordinators in planning a safer event. It will be used to assist planning, to support students, and to minimise risks during Pulse Alive rehearsals and performances. It will be stored securely. If you have any concerns about provision of this information, please contact the Pulse Alive team at pulse@det.nsw.edu.au
Medical conditions or special provisions *
Please list any medical conditions, educational modifications or special provisions that may be required to meet the learning needs of your child as part of this event
Health care/ASCIA plan *
Does your child/ward have a current Health Care/ASCIA plan.  If yes, a copy of the plan MUST be provided by email to pulse@det.nsw.edu.au prior to attendance at the event.
Medication *
Will your child/ward be required to take medication whilst at this event?  Please ensure medication is handed in upon arrival in original packaging with student name and dosage indicated by doctor
Student Medicare number *
Parent|carer details
Parent/carer first name *
Parent/carer surname *
Parent/carer email *
Parent/carer mobile
Relationship to student *
Other emergency contact *
Please provide a name and number for an emergency contact should parent|carer not be contactable
Acknowledgement *
Please check all boxes to acknowledge your understanding.
Permission to publish
Pulse Alive 2023 are seeking your permission to obtain and publish content that may include the image and/or name of your child in our publicly of Pulse Alive. Content examples include but are not limited to photographs, text, illustrations/graphics, videos, sound recordings, examples of student work.
Communications include but are not limited to:
Department of Education websites, including The Arts Unit website and school public websites.
School newsletters (online and hard copy)
Local community newspapers
Department of Education social media platforms 
Media promotions and advertising activities
Electronic and print promotional material
Permission to publish *
I give permission for my child/ward as listed above
Parent/carer name *
Privacy advice
The information provided on this form is being obtained for the purpose of ascertaining relevant medical information, requirements and other health care related needs about your child who is applying to participate in Pulse Alive 2023.

The information will be used by officers of the NSW Department of Education to assist planning, to support students, and to minimise risks when conducting this event.

Other persons or agencies that may be provided with information include, but are not limited to, volunteers and members of external organisations who join with Pulse Alive 2023 or are otherwise involved in the planning or delivery of the event; and persons that may be called upon to provide health care treatment or other assistance during or as a consequence of this event.

Provision of this information is not required by law. However a failure to provide the information may mean that your child can not participate in Pulse Alive 2023.

Provision of the information will significantly assist organisers in planning a safer educational activity. This information will be stored securely. If you have any concerns about provision of this information, please contact pulse@det.nsw.edu.au to discuss further. You may correct any personal information at any time by contacting the Pulse Alive team.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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