EC 2024「ちょこっと太鼓フェス」応募申込フォーム |  EC 2024 Big Little Taiko Fest Application Form
EC 2024企画_ ちょこっと太鼓フェスに関する応募申込フォームです。

This is the application form for taiko groups wishing to perform at Big Little Taiko Fest at Earth Celebration 2024.
Please read all the event info and application conditions on the EC website before filling out the form.
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チーム・団体名 | Group Name *
参加希望の太鼓チーム名を記入 | If your taiko group has different names in English and Japanese, please share both versions.
チーム・団体名(フリガナ)| Group Name (reading) *
参加希望の太鼓チーム名のふりがなを記入 | If you entered a name in Japanese (kanji) above, please enter the reading below in alphabet or hiragana.
チーム・団体サイトURL | Group Website /Social Media Links
参加希望の太鼓チームの団体HPリンク(お持ちの場合のみお書きください)| Let us know where we can find your group online (if applicable)
チーム所在地 | Group Location and Address  *
活動の拠点(稽古場または代表者ご自宅)の住所を記入 | Please let us know where your team is based (Address of your dojo/practice place or leader/contact person's address. Please include your country.)
代表者・氏名 | Name of Leader/Contact Person *
代表者・氏名(フリガナ)|  If you entered a name in Japanese (kanji) above, please enter the reading below in alphabet or hiragana. *
連絡先 メールアドレス | Contact Email Address *
代表者のご連絡先を記入(メールアドレス)| Enter the email address of your group's leader/contact person
連絡先 電話番号 | Contact Phone Number(s) 
代表者のお電話番号(日中繋がりやすい番号をお書きください。) | Please tell us the best phone numbers for contacting your group's leader before EC and during your stay on Sado Island. (Please include the country code)
ちょこっと太鼓フェス出演人数(予定)| How many members of your group would like to perform at Big Little Taiko Fest?" *
出演希望の予定人数(提出後の変更可能ですので目安としてお書きください)| Please enter the number of planned participants at this stage. (You can update this number closer to the date if needed) 
EC2024来島人数(予定)| If your group is not based on Sado Island: How many people do you think will attend EC 2024 with your group? *
佐渡を拠点としていない太鼓チーム・団体の来島予定人数(チームとしてEC期間中に佐渡に来島が見込まれる人数、提出後も変更可能ですので目安としてお書きください)| Please let us know how many people you expect to attend EC with your group, including non-performing group members, family, and friends who will accompany you to Sado Island. (Numbers can be updated later)
自由記入欄 | Any comments you would like to add
チームのアピールポイント/EC2024への意気込み/ECの思い出などご自由にお書きください。| Let us know more about your team, why you would like to participate, what you hope to achieve or experience during EC 2024, and any past memories of EC that you'd like to share, etc.)
ご相談・ご質問事項 | Questions / Requests
応募に際して、ご質問・ご相談事項あればご記入ください。| If you have any questions or requests regarding Big Little Taiko Fest or your application, please write them below in detail.
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