Kids Yoga for Anxiety and Confidence

Kids Yoga for Anxiety and Confidence: FOR KIDS AGE 8 - 11

Please complete each section below to sign up as we will be unable to sign you up for the classes in our system without the following information

- Sign up for 1 class for $40

- Sign up for 3 classes at a discounted rate of $100 (Pay up front and use the 3 the classes as you go!)

Our kids yoga classes are a great way to introduce children to natural coping skills to help with emotional regulation, social skills and social anxiety, emotional and body awareness, emotional intelligence, and sleep regulation as well as to develop the self-confidence, self-worth, and empowerment that comes with feeling a mastery over oneself. We will be spending our 60 minute class practicing yoga poses, breathwork, affirmations, gratitude, and meditation work with the support of our peers

Sign-up and Cancellation Policy
Participants must sign-up at least 48 hours before scheduled start time.  If you have paid for the 3 class package, we ask that you select each class at least 48 hours before the scheduled start time.

If you cancel within the 48 hour window leading up to class or if you no show, you will be charged in full for the class. 

Once you register, you will receive an email with a link to our portal to complete the required forms.  Thank you!
E-posta *
Please Write Your Child's First and Last Name *
Please Write Parent's First and Last Name *
Please Provide Parent's Phone Number  *
Please Provide Parent's Preferred Email *
Please Provide Child's Date of Birth *
Has your child been a client or is currently a client at Couch Clarity? *
Have you been a client or are currently a client at Couch Clarity?
Does your child have any experience with yoga or physical activity? If so, please describe.
Does your child have any medical conditions or injuries we should know about? *
What option would you like to sign up for?

Please select the class you would like to attend. If you paid a drop in, select one of the following dates. If you prepaid for 3 classes, please select the 3 you would like to attend! 
Formu temizle
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