Oct 21 Oklahoma FTC team survey
Just checking in on everyone!

Each organization only needs to fill out the form  once (if you run 3 teams you need to only fill it one one time, but just list all three teams).

Thank you for your participation!
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Email address
Your team(s)  - or organization name if you don't recall team numbers *
Is your team (or teams) able to meet? *
Our robot situation so far (check all that apply):
Dates we believe we could attend an in-person event , if possible (check all that apply) *
Your preference for area to travel to for your in-person tournament:
Clear selection
When we get to our in-person tournaments in Feb/Mar, we will have remote judging sessions during the week before the event (likely with follow-up interviews).  Which of these times during the week in Feb/Mar would most or all of your team likely to be available for a teleconference with judges? (please check all that might work) *
Comments (if any)
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