2022 ACRL-OR/WA  Fall Conference: Lightning Talks and Poster Session Submission Form
Pitch us your ideas for a lightning talk, a poster, or a skillshare! Skillshare - new this year! - is meant to be a short, informal round-table session where you share your knowledge on a topic with your colleagues; it could be work-related or not, anything from head stretches to bookmaking to how to fold an origami crane.

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Email *
Submission Deadline:
The deadline for submissions is September 5.  We will review all of the submissions and let you know if your submission was chosen as soon as possible. 
I am submitting a proposal for a: *
Name *
Your pronouns
Phone number *
Institution *
If you don't have a current affiliation, list as "not currently affiliated."
Do you have co-presenters? If so, include their name(s), pronouns, email address(es), and institution(s) below.
Title of Lightning Talk/Poster/Skillshare *
Abstract of Lightning Talk/Poster/Skillshare *
Describe your lightning talk/poster/skillshare in 200 words or less.
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