AIAA CFL Elections 2022-2023
Officer elections for the AIAA Central Florida Section for 2022-2023

Please vote for one candidate for each officer position.
A write in option is available if you chose to select someone that was not nominated for a position by 4/30.
Other council positions will be appointed by the newly elected officer board in June

Elections run through 5/31/2022
At the end of the survey please enter the email address used for AIAA membership, this is to verify membership for the election.
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
Chairman *
Vice Chair *
Secretary *
Treasurer *
Email Address *
Volunteer Interest Form
Please indicate below if you are interested in running for any of the following appointed positions. Positions will be selected at the June council meeting. If you have any questions about the positions available or volunteering please contact

Communication/Social Media
Public Policy
Events Coordinator
Young Professionals Coordinator
Tampa Area Coordinator
Volunteer positions of interests
양식 지우기
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