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Report a Digital Accessibility issue
Do you think content or features on a University of Lynchburg website are inaccessible to individuals with disabilities?
Do you have comments or suggestions to improve the digital accessibility of the University of Lynchburg website?
If so, please use this form to let us know about your concerns.
Please note,
this form is only for submitting issues associated with using
and assistive technology (screen readers, screen magnification, captions, etc.)
If you are having issues with any other software, please reach out to the Office of Information Technology Resources (ITR) at
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* Indicates required question
Which digital resource or website were you trying to access?
Please include the URL of the page to help us understand where the issue occurred.
Your answer
What assistive technology do you use to help with computer and web access?
This information may help us understand the issue better.
Screen reader
Screen magnification
Captions and/or transcripts
Prefer not so share
Please briefly describe the issue
Your answer
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
The best email address for us to use to contact you if we need help understanding the issue you identified and to assist you.
Your answer
Phone Number
The best phone number for us to use to contact you if we need help understanding the issue you identified and to assist you.
Your answer
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