Quiz #4 (Ling 380/Soc 427)
Due by 2:30pm on Friday, May 7th.
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I. Social variation
Questions based on our class on Friday, April 23rd.
1. In Fischer's (1958) study, he found a correlation between... *
Chart based on Labov's work in New York City
2. According to the above chart, what percentage of speakers in S. Klein said [r] in their second utterance of 'fourth'? *
II. Language change
Questions based on our class on Friday, April 30th.
3. Which of the following is an example of phonemic coalescence? *
4. When talking about language change, what do we mean by external change (as opposed to internal change)? Give an example of an external change. *
5. The Northern Cities Shift has been observed since at least the 1970s. Recently, some researchers have found a reversal of the shift among some young people. (Recall our discussion of D'Onofrio & Benheim (2019), available on the class site.) With this in mind, do you think the Northern Cities Shift will continue into the future? Why or why not? *
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