(Powered by the Ghana Neuroscience Society, IBRO and Ghana Young Academy)

Application to join the 2022 Brain Bee Competition is open from now till 11th November 2022.

The Brain Bee is a nationwide 2-stage quiz competition opened to all students aged 17 years or less. The competition tests students' knowledge and understanding of how the brain functions in health and disease.

In Stage 1, all persons who apply will be invited to an online preparatory session on the 19th of November 2022 and 7th of January 2023. This will be an opportunity to receive neuroscience lessons from world class neuroscientists and have any questions answered 

After this session, they will take an online test on 14th January to select the top 32 performers  who will proceed to stage 2.

Stage 2 of the brain bee will be a 3 part quiz competition held at the University of Ghana Medical School on 21st January 2023. This stage will test the anatomical and clinical knowledge as well as practical skills of the invited participants.

In between the quiz, participants will have the opportunity to interact with and receive tutoring from professional members of the Ghana Neuroscience Society on careers in Neuroscience. Additional reading materials will also be provided

All 32 finalists will receive souvenirs and certificates. The winners will receive additional awards with the top performer being selected to represent Ghana at the International Brain Bee Competition.

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