2024/2025 Hernando County School Age Programs Vacation Week Request Form (for current participants only)
NOTE: This form is for participants already enrolled into the 24/25 School Year. This is NOT a form to enroll a child in the program. If you are trying to enroll your child for care - please visit our website and complete an enrollment.
Parents of ENROLLED CHILDRENPlease submit the week(s) you would like to request as your "vacation weeks". Payments will be removed for vacation requests that fall within the guidelines listed in the Vacation Policy below.  You may access your online account at any time to review your child's enrollment weeks. Should you need to make any changes to your request after submission, please email schoolagesupport@suncoastymca.org.

Must be completed by Parent/Guardian listed on child's YMCA account.  Requests submitted by names not listed on the child's account will not be processed.
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Vacation Policy reminder:
  • Vacation weeks may be used for any week during the school year, including holiday weeks, but are not in addition to holiday weeks.
  • The maximum amount of vacation weeks any child receives in a school year is four (4). *Depends on site.
  • Vacation weeks must be requested and approved at least 2 weeks prior to use.
  • Vacation weeks must be used during 24/25 school year. They do not accumulate or roll over.
  • One week of vacation may not be broken up and used over multiple calendar weeks. (A week is defined as Monday-Friday in a calendar week.)
  • All participants in ALL PLANS (School Age Plan/3-day/VPK/Infant/Toddler/PreK plans) must complete the Vacation Request Form.
  • ELC Participants: Vacation weeks do not apply per ELC guidelines/agreements. Any weeks submitted for a child receiving ELC funding will not be processed. Please contact 352-686-9622 for more information.
Is child a CURRENT participant in the YMCA Before and After School Program? *
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