Grow Your Own Food and Improve Your Health!
We are excited to help you get started! Please fill out the following questions if they apply to you.
İlerleme durumunu kaydetmek için Google'da oturum açın Daha fazla bilgi
E-posta *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Which courses/workshops are you interested in taking or providing for your group?
Which services are you interested in?
What do you want to grow?
Do you currently grow any of the above?
Seçimi temizle
If you already a grower/gardener, what are your biggest challenges or concerns?
Which challenge(s) do you want to address first?
Do you rotate your annual crops each year?
Seçimi temizle
Do you have a functional greenhouse?
Seçimi temizle
Which practices do you use in the spring?
What are your seeding practices?
Which practices do you use in the fall?
Do you have any known issues in your garden of any plant diseases or pest problems? If so, please describe them and if/how you have dealt with them.
Yanıtlarınızın birer kopyası, belirttiğiniz e-posta adresine gönderilecek.
Formu temizle
Google Formlar üzerinden asla şifre göndermeyin.
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