Working from home feedback questionnaire
Email *
Name (optional. Supplying this information will be useful if we need to get in touch with you to offer further support) *
How many children have you got in school? *
Which year group/s are they in? *
Wajib diisi
Has your child / children been accessing school work on Google Classrooms? *
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Child 5
Approximately how many hours a day has your child / children been accessing Google Classrooms per day? *
How has your child / children been able to access Google classrooms? *
How would you rate the quality of the work provided on Google Classrooms ? *
If you have any comments regarding Ysgol Dyffryn Aman's working from home strategy, please can you provide us with your suggestions on developing this provision below.
Salinan jawaban Anda akan dikirimkan melalui email ke alamat yang Anda berikan.
Kosongkan formulir
Jangan pernah mengirimkan sandi melalui Google Formulir.
Formulir ini dibuat dalam Hwb. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan