Rural Works! Internship Description Form 2025
The information below will be used to create an internship description posted to ePack where students will search & apply to internships. 
  • You will be listed as the contact for the job posting with full access to view / edit, and will also receive applicant notifications via email. 
For companies not already in ePack an account will be created for you, please provide as much detail as possible.  The more information you provide the easier it is to recruit qualified interns for your position.  Please fill out this google doc one time for each different internship position you are hiring for.

For Summer 2025 all hiring must be completed by April 10th and submitted via the Hiring Form by that date. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name of company/organization *
County of company/organization *
Company/organization type *
Contact person  *
Contact person email *
Contact person phone number *
Location of internship (include town/city) *
Internship job title (ex: graphic design intern, environmental engineer intern) *
Overview of company/organization (provide a brief description of the company) *
Job Function: Choose the type of work done in the posted job to maximize your hits in student searches.  You may select multiple categories if appropriate, however choosing all categories is not recommended.  (Accounting, administrative, analyst, customer service, education, engineering, environmental, finance, government, human resources, information technology, marketing, journalism, non profit, project management, policy, recreation/sports, software development, supply chain management, training & development, tourism/hospitality, web design/development) *
Job Description: Include brief overview of company/organization, details regarding internship responsibilities/overview.  Please give a summary of the internship position and intended outcomes for your organization. PLEASE INCLUDE SPECIFIC TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES! *
Qualifications: List any qualifications or previous coursework the student needs in order to be prepared for the internship, if any. *
Desired skills: Include skills/knowledge/experience of the ideal candidate. *
Salary:  Hourly rate from employer [$15/hr minimum] *
Majors:  Please list the specific major(s) you are seeking for your position. *
Application end date (hiring deadline is April 10th)
When would you like your Internship posted to ePack? (provide date or ASAP)  *
Additional information you would like included with internship description post.
How many interns would you like to hire for this internship position? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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