Our Frasier Remake – Screening Request
We're exploring the possibility of Our Frasier Remake screenings in several cities in late September / early October. If you'd like to request a screening in your city, please fill out this form. We are asking to collect your email address so that we can contact you when a screening becomes available.

Our Frasier Remake is approximately 23 minutes but we are programming an hour long screening that includes comedic and animated shorts from some of the creators of Our Frasier Remake along with outtakes, behind the scenes footage, and other goodies from the making of the project.
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Which city would you attend a screening in? *
If not listed above, what city would you request?
Is there a specific venue you'd recommend?
If you run a venue or have a connection with a venue that can host us, please let us know so we can reach out!
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