Third Sector Funding 2024/25 Survey

At the forthcoming Ministerial meeting for Health and Social Care, Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) along with our fellow County Voluntary Councils are keen to provide a picture of the current state of funding across the Sector and what, if any, are the factors in common across Wales. 

We are asking that our Third Sector members complete the following survey to help us provide such a picture for the Vale of Glamorgan. Dependent upon the results of the survey we will be using this information to push for help and assistance with funding shortfalls. 

The closing date for completing the survey is Wednesday 18th September 2024 which is in time to feedback to the Ministerial meeting.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. Are you struggling with funding in this financial year? 
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2. Are you having to use your reserves in order to deliver services?
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3. Is this because funding has not been uplifted in line with inflation?
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If you have answered "No" please provide brief details

4. Does your funding come from Local Authority?

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5. Does your funding come from Health Board?  
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6. Does your funding come from Welsh Government? 
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7. Any other comments

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