Brainhack School 2024 Student Registration
Application form for Brainhack School 2024 participation

These questions will help both us and you determine if the Brainhack School is a good fit for you, so please answer honestly. Questions are written in English but feel free to answer in the language relevant to your hub. The questions will also help us better understand your background and interests, which will help us advise you.

Participants are expected to have at least basic programming and statistical analysis knowledge. If you are new to these topics, you may not benefit from Brainhack School, and we would advise you not to enroll. However, you need not be an expert, as much of the course will be about learning new skills and improving existing ones.

Brainhack School partners with the network "Unifying Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence - Québec" (UNIQUE)

* Data Usage and Privacy Statement *
Data collected through this form will only be used for the review and selection of the candidates for the applied Brainhack School Hub. Your data will be treated confidentially and only be shared with the organizers of the Brainhack School Hub you are registered for as part of the selection process.

Data will be deleted within a year after the application period closes. Aggregate and/or summary data (e.g., how many applications were received) may be retained indefinitely. Any questions about data use may be directed to the Brainhack School administration at
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Email *
Name and surname(s)
What are your preferred pronouns?
What is your current affiliation?
What is your current position (e.g. Master's student, PhD student, post-doctoral student)?
If you work in a research laboratory, who is supervising your work?
Please indicate the Brainhack School Hub you are applying for.  *
Are you taking  Brainhack School as a credited course? (Course credit is only available at some sites) *
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