Roster Information
This form is to request an invite for our T2 Catching Program. The program is invite only & there will be limited spots in the program. That doesn't necessarily mean the most talented players will only receive an invite but the players that are the most serious about development. There are two different program memberships to choose from, please pick the membership that you would be registering for.
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Player Information:
Use player information as much as possible
Player Name: (First & Last) *
First & Last Name
Player Email: *
Player Cell Phone: 000-000-0000 *
T2 Hitting Membership: *
Choose the T2 Catching membership you would be interested in
High School / Grad Year: (ex. Eden Prairie / 2008)
Current Level of Play:
Examples: Varsity Starter, 13AAA, 12AA, JV
Height / Weight (ex. 6-1 / 195)
Primary Position / Secondary Position: (ex. SS / RHP)
Bat / Throw: (ex. L / R)
Right, Left or Switch
DOB (Date of Birth):
Parent Information:
Parent or Guardian details
Parent/ Guardian 1: *
First & Last Name
Parent/ Guardian 1 Email: *
Parent Guardian 1 Cell Phone: *
Parent/ Guardian 2:
First & Last Name
Parent/ Guardian 2 Email:
Parent/ Guardian 2 Cell Phone:
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