How can Graphic Communication Design (Branding and Digital Product Design) help plant-based and meat-based fast food co-exist without compromise?
Hi, I would love some feedback on these questions to help me with my enquiry for my final project at uni! In this project, I want to create a bold, indulgent fast food brand that provides a 50/50 balance of plant-based and meat-based food, a place where plant based eaters and meat eaters can eat together without compromise. 
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How old are you?
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Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences?  (Select all that apply)
What factors influence your choice between plant-based and meat options? (Select all that apply)
Would you be more likely to visit a fast food place if it has a well balanced mix of plant-based and meat options?
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Would you pay the same price for a plant-based burger as a meat one?
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Which branding makes you most interested in trying a 50/50 plant-based/meat-based fast food restaurant?
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Would you trust a fast food place that does both plant-based & meat?
Would Not Trust
Would Trust
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If you scored low, what concerns do you have about a fast food place offering both plant-based and meat options? (examples: Cross-contamination, Trust in Brand)
What could a fast food brand do to make you trust a 50/50 plant-based and meat concept?
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Does plant-based food feel like a ‘compromise’ to you? Why? Or do you have another perception?
Do you think there’s a need for a brand that offers indulgent, messy, and comforting plant-based fast food, rather than the usual 'clean eating' and minimalist approach seen in many plant-based restaurants?
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