Bakuretsu Con Artist Alley Application
Please read the Bakuretsu Con Artist Alley guidelines before applying.
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Email *
Name of business/or group *
Name of artist(s) *
How many badges will you need with your table *
I WANT TO UPGRADE to Double Table Space if possible
This is not originally available but people drop last minute you will be contacted to see if you still want to upgrade
Have you attended Bakuretsu con before *
What will you be selling?
Give a brief description of the items that are at your table
Example ; Prints, keychains, handmade plushies, hand made jewelry, pottery, etc
Will you be selling anything 18+?
Please make sure you read the rules pertaining to 18+ content in the artist alley
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Will you need power?
We have limited power plugs will and do our best to try and accommodate so please only answer yes if your need it pertaining to your table. Examples that you may need power for; you are drawing on a computer and have monitor displaying for people to see or you have a 3D printer that needs to be plunged in to print your craft
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What makes you unique
Please provide a link(s) to your art or products can be multiple links :) *
Where are you based out of? *
What is the best email to reach you at? *
Have you read the rules and guidelines of Bakuretsu cons artist alley? *
Answering yes to this question means you understand and agree to follow the rules placed by our artist alley if we feel you are breaking them at any point we may ask you to leave with out refund or take down the items breaking these rules.
I understand that Bakuretsu Con is not responsible for any damage or stolen art or property of the artist.  *
Answering yes confirms that you also understand that Bakuretsu cons artist alley is NOT an enclosed area so it is unable to be locked up at night.
I am the creator of the art I am selling, OR I have permission from the artist. *
 If you are selling another artists art with permission, the artist must be easily contacted if asked by staff members. 
Are you aware of the artist alley table sizes? *
I have NO Traced, ripped or AI artwork.  *
Would you like to run a panel? *
Anything else we should know? *
Thank you for filling out the Artist Alley application.
Any Questions please reach out on the discord to Dan_Leef (art things) or to another Baku staff member :)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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