Get Lamoille Library Books
You can order books two ways, online in OPAC/OPALS or with this form. We will deliver the books to you as soon as possible.

Choice 1: You can order books online by requesting them in our OPAC/OPALS here: Your user ID is your grad year, first initial, last name (ex: 20mtowle).
Choice 2: You can use this form.

Make sure you check to see if the book is available in OPAC...if it is not, we will put it on hold for you and will deliver it when it comes in.
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Email *
What is your name (first and last name please)?
How do you attend school?
Batalkan pilihan
Where should we deliver the book(s)? (on-campus)
Please include teacher's name or the classroom you'll be in. (Example: I am in Ruby/LaClair's pod, but we meet in Ruby's class all day. OR I am in the Ruby/LaClair pod and I am with LaClair in the am, Ruby in the pm.)
Where should we deliver the book(s)? (off-campus)
Please include the address where you will be and any important information that the delivery person may need for delivering your book (where do we leave the book (porch, front steps, door)? Are you in a particular apartment? etc)
Is there a specific book you are wanting to request?
Batalkan pilihan
Kosongkan formulir
Jangan pernah mengirimkan sandi melalui Google Formulir.
Formulir ini dibuat dalam Lamoille District 18 High School. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan