High Holiday Season RSVP 2022
Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot- it's a packed month coming up! We'd love to be a part of making your High Holiday season the most meaningful, enjoyable and delicious possible.

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Name: *
Email: *
How many people will be joining with you? (if varies, please indicate in comments below) *
Shofar in the Park & Tashlich!
How many people will be joining with you? (if varies, please indicate in comments below) *
For Rosh Hashana Services and Kiddush, I would like to join
How many people will be joining with you? (if varies, please indicate in comments below) *
For Yom Kippur services on October 4th and 5th , I would like to join
How many people will be joining with you? (if varies, please indicate in comments below) *
I would like to
I would like to join for a SUKKOT! ( limited space) 
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How many people will be joining with you? (if varies, please indicate in comments below) *
Payment: You can pay online at coloniecjc.com/donate or mail in a check payable to Chabad Center Colonie, 284 Osborne Rd or Payapal- Zelle (BOA): chaicentercolonie@gmail.com.
FUN CORNER: What's your favorite part of the Rosh Hashana menu? *
SPONOR A SENIOR!                                                        YOU can help OUR Seniors! High Holiday essentials:  
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