We have something in common!
Please complete the form below.  This will provide us with insight into how best we can work together.
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What is your name? *
If you are part of a research organisation or have a preferred research centre, please tell us  *
Which of the following are you interested in? *
If you are interested in stem cell research, are there any specific diseases you care about? 🧬
If you are interested in female health diagnostics, which of the following uterine-related functions & conditions do you care about? 💗
Did you know that the reason why women are 50% more likely to die from a heart attack then men is because our hearts are different to that of men (we aren't just smaller men with vulvas!)
If you are interested in any other part of the female anatomy, please let us know here 👇
Do you have access to funding dedicated to research?  (don't worry if you don't, this is just so that we can make sure we allocate your submission to the right team) *
If you answered yes or that you are working on it, could you tell us more please?
If there is anything else you want to tell us then do it here 😊
One last thing, do you want to stay up to date with all things Yoni Health (i.e. shall we subscribe you to our newsletter, we don't spam, that happens over on Instagram & TikTok 😜) *
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