In order to complete the recruitment application process, please fill out the information below and mail the related documents to Human Resources Development Office, CJCU.
1. 填寫本申請表辦理相關申請作業時,視同您已同意本校蒐集、處理、利用您的個人資料;本表蒐集之個人資料,僅限於特定目的使用,非經當事人同意,絕不轉做其他用途,並遵循本校資料保存與安全控管規定辦理。相關之告知事項請參閱本校網站
http://www.cjcu.edu.tw/pims2. 本校個人資料保護連絡方式:台南市歸仁區長大路1號;電話:06-2785123#1022;信箱:
pims@mail.cjcu.edu.twWhen you fill in the application form, you have consented to the collection, processing and use of your personal information by CJCU. The form collects your personal information to meet the needs of this program. Without your consent, we cannot use it for other purposes. Your information shall be preserved by the regulation of CJCU information preserve and safety control. For more details, please visit the website: