Early Childhood Registration Form For New Attendees
This registration form is for anyone NEW to our group. If you have already registered and/or attended in the past you should be getting emails with the link to join each month. Please email the host, Amanda Travers, at amanda@familyvoicesmn.org if you have questions or are not receiving these monthly emails.
This virtual support group is for parents who have a child aged birth to 3 years with special health care needs. We welcome parents raising NICU graduates, kiddos with developmental or speech delays, genetic conditions, extra medical needs and more. 

Parent Host: Amanda Travers– Parent Group Facilitator, Family Voices of Minnesota, Amanda is a mom to 3 kids, ages 4 years, 19 months and 1 month. Her oldest daughter is medically complex, with no official diagnosis, but symptoms which include global developmental delay, hypotonia, and hip dysplasia. She is also non-verbal and non-ambulatory, and uses a g-tube to help with nutrition. Amanda’s 19-month-old son has shown some signs of speech delay and is currently receiving speech services.

Please send an email to amanda@familyvoicesmn.org if you have questions.
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How did you hear about this group? *
Are you a parent or in a parent like role for a child who has a disability or extra needs? *
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