VA Task Request
Please fill out this form to request a task I can complete for you. A task should require under 1 hour of time to complete, and be able to be completed remotely. You are welcome to submit multiple tasks to me. You can find example of type of tasks on the document attached to my email.
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What Virtual Assistant task may I complete for you this week? The task must be one I can complete remotely and with a computer. Examples tasks are: research flights, create a meal plan, transcribe minutes, help plan an events or confirm a booking for you. 

Please describe your task clearly and succinctly, and include all information that I need to successfully complete the task.
How urgent is this task?
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If your task has a deadline, what is the deadline date?
If your task has a deadline, what is the deadline time?
What city and country are you located in?
What is your name?
Is there another method that you prefer I use to contact you (e.g., WhatsApp message, SMS, etc.)? If so, please provide all needed details.
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