English Placement Test
IBS of Provence
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Le test est structuré de telle sorte qu'il commence par des questions faciles pour le niveau A1, puis il devient de plus en plus difficile. Cela signifie que vous devez arrêter de faire le test lorsqu'il devient difficile, car il ne sera que plus difficile. Soumettez simplement les questions auxquelles vous avez répondu, sans répondre à celles qui sont trop difficiles /                                    The test is structured in such a way that it starts with easy questions for the A1 level, and then it becomes more and more difficult. This means that you should stop taking the test when it becomes difficult, because it will only get harder. Just submit the questions you have answered, without answering the ones that are too difficult.
Nous utilisons ce test pour vous évaluer afin de trouver le cours qui vous sera le plus bénéfique. Veuillez jouer le jeu et ranger votre téléphone ou toute autre aide qui ne permettrait pas d'obtenir un score reflétant votre niveau.
We use this test to evaluate you to find the course that will be most beneficial to you. Please play along and put away your phone or any other aid that would not help you get a score that reflects your level.
Prénom et Nom de l'élève *
First & Last Name of the student
Mon enfant est inscrit au stage de...? // My child is enrol for ... ? *
Classe 2023/2024 *
Complete avec la réponse la plus appropriée pour chaque question / Complete with the most appropriate answer for each question
1. Arrête toi quand les questions deviennent trop difficile
2. Ne pas dépasser 15min pour faire le test
1. Stop when the questions get too difficult
2. Do not exceed 15 minutes to complete the test
1.      Where ____ from ?
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2.      I work in a ______. I am a doctor
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3.    I get up _____ 7 o'clock in the morning.
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4. How much are ______ shoes ?
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5. I usually go to work ____ train.
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6. Last night I ______ to the cinema
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7. _______ were you at the weekend ?  I was in Scotland.
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8. Bob will meet ____ at the airport.
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9.       I like this appartment but the ______ is too expensive for me.
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10. Sorry I am so late. That's ______.
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11. Is this a good time to talk. Sorry, no. I ______ dinner
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12. _______ meet for coffee some time soon.
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13. If you've got a headache, you ______ go home.
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14. Did Amina finish the report ? No. She _____ it tomorrow.
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15. We never _________ a television when I was a child.
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16. If you _______ money from a friend, you should always pay it back promptly.
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17. ______ anywhere interesting recently ?
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18. If the weather _____ bad tomorrow, we can go to a museum.
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19. Hans isn't here. He ____ to see his grandmother. He'll be back tomorrow.
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20. Have you finished ______ the wall yet ?
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21. If I _______ closer to my office, I could walk to work.
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22. I've got to be at work in five minutes. Don't worry, I ______ you a lift if you want.
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23. There's no name on this dictionary. It  _____ be mine then. Mine's got my name on the front.
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24. I've got a terrible headache, and it won't go away. Have you tried ______ some aspirin ?
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25. I was wondering _____ I could ask you some questions.
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26. Do you ever ask your neighbours to do favours ____ you ?
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27. Ben got the job because he ______ a very good impression at his interview.
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28. How about going to colours nightclub ? There's no _____ I am going there. It's aweful !
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29. The amount of organically grown food on sale has _______ enormously in recent years.
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30. It's a huge painting. It ______ taken ages to complete.
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31. My mother's italian, so ______ the language has been quite easy for me.
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32. I was about to go to sleep when it ______ to me where the missing keys might be.
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33. By the end of today's seminar I will _______ to each of you individually.
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34. Pia was ____ delighted with the birthday present.
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35. The police claimed that they acted in self-______.
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36. The windows in this house are in urgent _____ of replacement.
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37. The experiment ______ testing people's responses before and after drinking coffee.
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38. Gospel music has been a major influence _____ other musical styles, espcially soul.
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39. It's no _______ for me to get Brad's phone number - I'll be seeing him tonight.
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40. Very rarely ______ here in July.
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