T9 Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Development
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10. The Business Model Canvas has... *
1 Punkt
8. Creativity is the ability to generate ideas useful for solving problems *
1 Punkt
6. Which one of the listed options is NOT a key characteristic of resilience people? *
1 Punkt
3. The Entrepreneur is also known as a "Job Creator" *
1 Punkt
2. Sustainable entrepreneurship is connected with environment issues *
1 Punkt
5. In which answer are listed 3 of the Skills of an Entrepreneur *
1 Punkt
7. Proactive people first think and build a strategy and they apply it in action. *
1 Punkt
1. Entrepreneurship can be described as a result of the behavior of entrepreneurs *
1 Punkt
4. Entrepreneurship is only related to developing a new venture *
1 Punkt
9. The Yellow hat in the model "Six Thinking hats" represent: *
1 Punkt
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