Want to work with Katherine and the BKA team?
When it comes to money and business, there is no "one size fits all" approach.

That's why all BKA services start with a free 90-minute consult with Katherine Pomerantz. This time is used to explore your story, your numbers, and - more importantly - what your values are for this type of support. If we both feel we are a good fit, then BKA will put together a package of services tailored to your business.

There is no fee for a consultation and, whether or not we end up working together, this conversation will be valuable for you.

If you are interested, set aside 2-5 minutes to answer the questions below. This will build a foundation for our conversation together and support you in getting clear in your goals and vision.

Once your in-take questions are received, you will be sent an email from the BKA team with instructions for how to book your consult.

Email katherine@bookkeepingartist.com if you have any questions.
First and Last Name *
Website *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
What is your story? What is happening in your business right now? *
What inspired you to reach out to Katherine right now? *
How did you get connected with Katherine? *
I so appreciate you sharing your story with me. You will receive an email from the BKA team within 48 hours to schedule your call with the next steps for scheduling your free 90-minute consult call with Katherine.
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