(please read till the end!)


Welcome to the Performance Assessment questionnaire -  60 questions cutting through 3 major areas of Performance - Priorities, Productivity, and Personal Fulfilment.

Please allow around 30-60 minutes to contemplate, detail, and answer the questions below.  

Oh yes, probably you are now thinking… “Dominika, what? I have “no time”, I am busy, and overwhelmed…. I do not have time to answer 60 questions about my productivity issues. I know what my problem is and I am here so you can help me to fix it asap!”

I get it. I have been there and probably would have reacted the same way. But please understand that this would be the same logic as saying: “I don't have time to cook dinner, because I am hungry.”

Although we've already delved into your major issues—issues you're already aware of—this questionnaire will provide us with insights into the underlying factors. It will enable us to see the full picture and fine-tune the best strategy for you and ultimately define the optimal scope for your LAW-LIFE SYSTEM. This is the most crucial aspect of "resolving" your issues.

Now, that you understand the WHY behind this questionnaire. It’s time to check HOW to fill it in: Please follow these 3 simple steps.


The more detailed context you provide, the better. Keep in mind, this program is about partnering with you in order to help YOU develop the most effective strategy and schedule tailored to YOUR needs—not mine. Hence, it's essential for me to understand your current performance situation as thoroughly as possible.

For example, if there is a multi-option answer, and you feel like you would like to add something - please do! Any context or noteworthy points added are so beneficial for me. 


This is not a school test - the more points the better. It's the other way around. The more issues we uncover here, the better, crisper, and spot-on your LAW-LIFE SYSTEM can be! There is no need to sugarcoat or try to make yourself look more productive than you are. I am not here to judge you. I am here to help you. Try to be as honest and as accurate as you can be.

For example, if you woke up at 6 am and went to a yoga class last time in February 2021, that doesn't mean you “sometimes” have morning rituals. You simply don’t have one.

On the other hand, also, it doesn't mean you “sometimes” have morning rituals,  if you do wake up each morning and work out but skipped these 2 times in the past few weeks. You simply do have a morning ritual. 


While the questions are straightforward and should be easy to understand, everything can be subject to interpretation. Please DO reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I am happy to help, guide you and support you on this journey.

And that would be it. Now, please indulge in this journey of self-discovery and growth. Let’s dive into it...

IMPORTANT: Once you've completed the form, ping me via email so we can coordinate when you can anticipate your Evaluation and schedule your sessions!

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