Audition form - FCS Season Generals 2024-25
(you do not need a gmail/google account for this form--feel free to ignore this sign-in prompt)
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Email *
Name (First and Last) *
Audition Time Slot:
If you signed up for a spot before your audition (signupgenius), please list your half hour time slot here
Age (if under 18):
Preferred phone: *
Town/city: *
Audition Song and/or Monologue (name of role/play) *
Experience: Please submit your acting resume and headshot to Please name your headshot file as YourLastName_YourFirstName (Example: Lane_Nathan) and your acting resume (pdf preferred, doc also accepted) as YourLastName_FirstName_Resume (Example: LuPone_Patti_Resume). IMPORTANT: Ensure "view access" is granted to anyone with the link. If you do not have a link to a resume, please type below a few past shows/roles/theater companies *
Shows/Role(s) interested in (ok to write 'all/any' or 'not sure!':  
(all roles available w exception of Christmas Carol where previous cast receives invites to return)
I will accept any role (please type YES or NO): *
if NO, please indicate role(s) only interested in
HAIR AUDITIONEES **IF YOU ARE AUDITIONING VIRTUALLY** Link to your audition video (paste youtube, vimeo, google drive, dropbox etc. Please ensure view settings allow us to view (i.e. "unlisted" is good to go; if setting to private however, share it to otherwise we can't view it, thank you)
Please list ONLY THE DAYS OF THE WEEK/TIME(S) YOU CANNOT be available for rehearsals. List any conflicts that you know of at this time that would take you out of rehearsals based on the listed performance / rehearsal start date info provided at this time.  
If not cast, would you be interested in taking on a backstage tech crew or other volunteer position (front-of-house, etc) for any of our shows?  (This will in no way affect whether you are cast):
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