Wild and Windy Book Event presents LOVENVEGAS 2026 in Association with My Brother's Editor
This is an author/narrator/vendor interest form for LoveNVegas at the lovely Paris Hotel in Vegas October 16-17, 2026. This is a 2-day book con event with a large ballroom with capacity for 2000 attendees. Panels will be on Friday starting at one and there will be a meet and greet Halloween party/reception that evening. There is one major signing session on Saturday the 17th. Filling out the interest form does not guarantee a spot. If you are selected, you will be notified. If you accept your invite, you will invoiced $225 for your table fee deposit. This nonrefundable deposit will hold your spot at the event and provides a six-foot draped table, two chairs, and lanyards for you and one assistant so you can attend everything throughout the weekend.
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