2024 May 18 Qigong Workshop - WGV Soft Palms QG
Event Dates: May 18
Event Timings: 9a-4pm (Hybrid), 12-1pm lunch break
Event Address: Peak Physical Therapy, 10580 South De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA  95014, in the Studio in back.  Event cost:  1st hour - FREE, 5 hours  $140.00 per workshop.
Park in the back of the building and text us for entry the day of.  Doors and Zoom Room open at 8:45am.
Contact us at 408.475.7925 or qigirlsqigong@hotmail.com
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Check if you wish to simply sign up for the FREE 1st hour of Qigong session or the paid all day Wild Goose V Qigong session. *
Cost for the day's workshop is:  $140.00. 

It is the same whether in person or online as everyone will receive the recordings for the entire workshop.  I plan to remit payment either of the following ways.  
Paypal:  @ACJongLAc, or to qigirlsqigong@hotmail.com
VenMo:  @Aileen-Jong-LAc
Mail check to or pay the day of:  10580 South De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA  95014
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