Financial Aid Application 2023
Dear Applicant,

3HO International is committed to helping people with limited finances and special circumstances attend our event. Eligibility is primarily determined based on the ratio of your income to household size but we may consider other circumstances such as a physical or medical disability that prevent one from doing a Service Scholarship.

Applicants are eligible for a Financial Aid award for one Solstice Festival every two years. 

We are grateful to be able to offer this opportunity. Although we reserve the right to investigate your statement of financial eligibility, we ask you to honestly fill out the application so that we can serve those in greatest need.
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Email *
Full Name
Preferred name (if different)
Address *
Phone *
Occupation  *
Determine the number of people in your household; a single person - 1, married couple - 2, single with child -2, married with child - 3, and so on ...
Total Household Gross Annual Income as reported on most recent tax form.
How many times have you attended a 3HO Solstice Festival?
When did you last receive a Financial Aid scholarship to any 3HO event? *
Which Solstice event would you like to attend?
Why are you applying for a Financial Aid Scholarship?
Why did you not apply for a service exchange position at the rate of $400, considering that is less than the Financial Aid price?
Why do you want to participate in Solstice and how do you feel you will benefit from participation? *
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
I certify that all of the above information is true and correct and that all income is reported. I understand that this information will be kept strictly confidential and is only used in determining scholarship eligibility.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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