React Berlin Meetup Talk Proposals
React community and it's adoption is growing - dozens of meetups and over 20 conferences happen every year on this topic. It's becoming more challenging for event organizers to keep balance in talks to satisfy all levels of seniority. With more and more people mastering their React skills, we thought it's the right time to launch a more niche, advanced content focused group, and here it is!

React Berlin is a nontraditional meetup group, that challenges speakers and community members to skip entry-level introductions and jump straight to deep, technical details. Engineers of any level of seniority are welcome, but it's expected that you do your "homework" first, so presenters can cover more tech details and insights within their talks.

Have a complex topic to share but been afraid that general meetup public is not ready? Prepare the list of materials for the audience "homework" and submit your talk!

Guild page: 

Have questions, or ideas how to improve the event? Email us here - 
Follow @ReactDayBerlin for updates.

Meetup group is supported by GitNation, organizers of React Summit and React Day Berlin conferences.
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Name *
Contact email *
Talk title *
Talk description (for the meetup page) *
Abstracts (main messages to the audience) *
Keywords (frameworks, techniques, strategies, etc.) *
Your bio (for the meetup page) *
Link to your profile photo OR avatar *
Will be used in speaker and event announcement graphics
Convenient date for the talk
Your X (Twitter)/ GitHub/ LinkedIn profile
Your Bluesky profile
Previous talks (videos, slides), if applicable
Is your company interested in supporting/hosting the event?
All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers are required to agree with the following code of conduct: *
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