First Communion Year 1, Week 1
Child #1
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What is your name? *
Let's learn to make the sign of the cross. Watch the two videos and practice with your mom or dad or with your big sister or brother./Aprendamos a hacer la señal de la cruz. Mira los dos videos y practica con tu mamá o papá o con tu hermana o hermano mayor.
Watch The Lord is my Shepherd and then answer the question.Mira El Señor es mi Pastor y luego responde la pregunta.
The Good Shepherd fills my heart so full of ... *
Watch the video below and then answer the questions./Mire el video a continuación y luego responda las preguntas.
The Good Shepherd, watch and then answer the questions./El Buen Pastor, mira y luego responde las preguntas.
Who is the good shepherd? *
What was the name of the lost sheep? *
Who is like the shepherd? *
We are like the sheep when... *
The little girl and the frog prayed to ... *
Watch the video below on Psalm 23 and answer the questions.
Watch Psalm 23 then answer the questions./Mire el Salmo 23 y luego responda las preguntas.
God gives me everything I... *
There is always something to ... *
Watch the video and answer the question./Mira el video y responde la pregunta.
The song says that God is ... *
God's love is wonderful, in Spanish./El Amor De Dios Es Maravilloso
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