The Well Collab Women's Circles

Women's Circles are a welcoming, no-pressure place to explore, start new relationships, and be heard exactly as you are. We'd love for you to join or just visit a circle! Fill out this form to be connected to one near you.

Please refer to the Women's Circles PDF if you have questions, or reach out to our team at

If your circle meets in a restaurant, each attendee is responsible for her own bill.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your full name? *
What is your full address? *
What is your occupation? *
If you own or operate a business please share the name here.
What is your age range ? *
Do you have a current membership with The Well Collab? *
Would you like to join a circle? *
Which circle would you like to attend? *
Would you like to be a circle leader?
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Is there an existing member you'd like to be attend a circle with? 
Do you have any access requirements you would like us to be aware of?
Share any other questions, thoughts or feedback here! (just make sure you've read thru the Women's Circles PDF first :)

If you would like to become a circle leader or start a circle in your area, please click here to set up a meeting with Tammy >> The Well Collab Circle Leader Meeting
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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