Mouse Point Beta Play Test Feedback Form
Thank you so much for taking the time to play the beta version of Mouse Point: Darwin's Journey. If you enjoyed your play-through, please consider following us on our website and socials (links to socials at the bottom of the website)! 
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How would you rate your overall experience? 
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What was your favorite moment when playing the game?
What was your least favorite moment when playing the game? 
How did you feel about the gameplay loop? Was it satisfying? 
How would you rate Mouse Point's world? Did you feel like it was immersive and unique? 
I did not find it captivating or immersive
I found it to be very immersive and uniqie
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Was there anything in the world that you wanted to do but couldn't?
How would you rate the narrative that you experienced?
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How would you rate the characters that you met? 
Very interesting; I love talking to them!
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How did you feel about the narrative choices you were given?  Did you feel that they were interesting and compelling?
How did you feel about the amount of text you had read? 
I thought there was too much text.
I thought there was a good balance between text and gameplay.
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Based on your play-through, how excited are you to play Mouse Point: Darwin's Journey when it gets released?
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If there is anything else you want us to know? If so, please leave a comment below. 
Thank you, again, for play testing Mouse Point: Darwin's Journey and for taking the time to give us feedback so we can make it the best game it can be! 
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