Interschool Transfer Request

According to School Board policy 433-Rule, families who wish their child(ren) to attend a Whitewater elementary school outside their attendance area must communicate the reasons for their request in writing to the Superintendent. The Superintendent, in collaboration with the school principals, determines the number of students admitted to a school using established guidelines of residency, space availability, siblings, special needs, or other compelling educational reasons. Each request is judged on merit. The placements are unique and non-precedent setting. It is the responsibility of the family to provide any necessary transportation.

Families will be notified of the decision as soon as possible. For the following school year, requests made by June 1, will be determined immediately after the June 1 cutoff; requests received after June 1 will be determined after registration in August. 

If you have questions, feel free to call the Superintendent at 262-472-8708.  

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Email *
Date *
Elementary Student(s) Name/Grade(s) *
Attendance Area
School determination is based on a student's home address.  See WUSD Coverage Map for school address zones.
Request to Attend *
When do you want the transfer to begin? *
Reason for Request: *
Do any of your children receive special education services?  *
Is English your children's first language?  *
By typing your name, you are agreeing that if your interschool transfer request is approved you will need to provide transportation or request Private Pay through Nelson's Bus Company.

Parent/Guardian Name
Address *
Phone Number *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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