Bike Manawatu AGM & Prizegiving RSVP
The Bike Manawatu board would like to let you know that we will be holding our Annual General Meeting along with our Road / Track Prizegiving on Friday 30th April 2021 at 6:00pm at the Marist Sports Club.

Please RSVP to help assist us for catering purposes.

When: Friday 30th April 2021
Where: Marist Sports Club – Pascal Street
Time: 6:00 pm Start

Please note our AGM quorum is 25.

Thank you
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Name: *
Can you attend our AGM starting at 6pm? *
Can you attend our Prizegiving starting after AGM? *
How many from your family with be attending? *
Comments and/or questions
Thank you for your response
We appreciate you taking the time to reply.
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