Soy Application
Soy is a freshly made semi-hardcore 2-day raiding guild that wants to improve, have fun and go for cutting edge every tier. We like to have a chill atmosphere with some banter, but we can be serious when needed. We are a group of raiders with high mythic experience that want to jump straight into mythic and clear it at a consistent pace.
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Raiding days & hours
Sunday & Wednesday from 19:30 till 23:00
Are you able to attend the raiding days at the specified hours? If no please explain why. *
Armory & Warcraftlogs Link from your Main & Alts *
Class *
Main spec *
Your battletag & discord name *
Do you mind transferring server if needed? *
Overal activity in WoW (weekly playtime) *
Raiding Experience (all tiers) *
What was your previous guild and why did you leave *
What do you want to achieve in this game? *
Tell us something about yourself
We will contact you as soon as possible to let you know if we need you in our raiding roster or not
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