Departmental request for a Visiting Professor
Request for a Visiting Assisting Professor.  
Deadline for Fall Visitor requests is October 2. 
Deadline for spring unforeseen Visitor Needs, the deadline is March 1.

For questions about this form, contact 
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Please provide your first and last name in the space below. *
Select your department from the drop down list below. *
Which academic year will this person start? *
Explain why your department needs a VAP to start in the year selected above *
Please provide the name of the person(s) either retiring, taking a sabbatical, or leaving the position, if applicable.  *
How many years do you expect the visitor to work in the department? *
What courses will this hire teach for other majors/minors/interdisciplinary programs? *
What General Education courses (rFLA/RCC/Honors) will this hire teach?
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