This workshop is for students ages 11 and up.

Participation Fee: $120.00 per student, PayPal or online through our WEBSITEYou are considered signed up when payment is made. Scholarships are unavailable for workshops at this time.

Jazz history, warm ups, learn both Commercial Jazz and Fosse jazz, learn how to implement accents and dynamics into dancing. Expand your growth by learning improvisation and how you can incorporate your own creativity into future choreography. Learn choreography for a performance.


Jazz Workshop Ages 11+

Dates- Mondays and Wednesdays~1 hour per session

Times- 5:00-6:00 pm

  • April 1, 3

  • April 8, 10

  • April 15, 17

  • April 22, 24

  • April 29, May 1

  • Performance- May 4th

Teaching Artist: Makenna Bolton

Please relay all questions to

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Email *
Name of Participant. * if registering more than one person, please fill out a form for each participant.   *
Grade and Name of School for Spring of 2024
Parent / Guardian(s)  (First & Last Name)
Parent / Guardian(s) place of Employment
Email. ***This is email that will be used for all workshop Info. Please add more than one if multiple people should be updated.
Address *
Phone number *
Tell us about your Performer (participant) *
Workshop Fee $120.00  -  Click on the link below for payment. If paying for multiple performers, you can pay the fees together.  Enter paid upon payment of fees. *
Enter guardian's name after you have read.  By entering you and your participant  accept permissions and waivers:


I/We, the undersigned, have read The Playhouse Theatre Group’s Code of Ethics and understand that
accepting a role in this production will represent a significant commitment of time, energy, and devotion to the show both at rehearsals and at home. I/we agree to do my/our utmost to fulfill these expectations to the very best of my/our ability.
Please enter guardian's name after you have read.  By entering your name you and your participant  accept permissions and waivers:
I/We understand that the director reserves the right to dismiss actors from the production at any time due to unexcused absences, behavior issues, or a negative attitude.
Enter guardian's name after you have read.  By entering your name you and your participant accept permissions and waivers:
____I understand that it is my responsibility to bring my child to rehearsals and pick them up from rehearsals on time and to notify the director in case of illness or any other extreme emergency conditions.
Enter guardian's name after you have read.  By entering your name, you and your participant  accept permissions and waivers:
____I, the undersigned, hereby waive any liability or damages and agree to hold The Playhouse Theatre Group of Central Wisconsin, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any damages or liabilities arising whatsoever in any action or proceeding brought by the undersigned, on behalf of myself and/or my child/children or by a third party relating to acts of myself or my child/children based upon any and all acts occurring at rehearsals, during productions, or while involved in any Playhouse related activity.
Enter guardian's name after you have read.  By entering your name, you and your participant  accept permissions and waivers:
____I agree to allow Playhouse to take pictures, video, or digital media recordings of myself or my child/children during any rehearsal, production, or Playhouse related activity. I further agree that Playhouse may use any pictures, video, or digital media recordings obtained of myself or my child/children for any Playhouse purpose now and in the future, including but not limited to use on Playhouse social media platforms, in print or digital promotional material, or on the Playhouse website.
Enter guardian's name after you have read.  By entering your name, you and your participant  accept permissions and waivers:
Medical Conditions.  Please indicate any medical conditions that may affect participant during rehearsals and performances.  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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