Interested in breathwork for your corporate or community event?
High achievers that aren't burned out are tending to their nervous system. It's thought that we make 95% of decisions from our subconscious mind and only 5% from our logical/prefrontal cortex. Breathwork offers a portal to the subconscious mind to unwind stresses and for you to find clarity from the inside. It also serves as a somatic (body based) modality to move energy and emotions. 
Requests for special events must be made minimum 1-2 months in advance. 
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Date of form  *
Name of person completing form.  *
Contact info for event coordinator/person completing form *
Name or type of event *
Date/time/location of event *
Is this event virtual or in person? *
What are your goals for this event and estimated time length available for session(s)? *
Tell me about your budget for this session(s)/event?  *
Anything else you want me to know?
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