Research Form


I’m Yashvi Badani, a student at Manipal University Jaipur, pursuing M.Sc. Clinical Psychology. As a part of my curriculum, I’m conducting a research for my Master's dissertation.

You are invited to take part in a research study on experiences of discrimination and its psychological correlates in individuals of the LGBTQ community in India.

(Disclaimer: The information gathered is exclusively for research purposes and this study has no discriminatory intent).

Eligibility Criteria:

You identify as an individual of the LGBTQ Community.

You are aged between 18-30 years.

You are a citizen of India.

About the Study:

You will be presented with certain questions which will seek information on your experience as an LGBTQ individual residing in India. There are no anticipated risks of participating in this study. The benefit of participating is that you will be able to contribute to psychological literature.

Time Commitment:

This study typically takes 7-10 minutes


Your personal information will be handled with confidentiality. No individual identities will be used in any reports or publications resulting from the study. The study intends to assess the collective data, please feel free to answer the questions honestly.

Voluntary Participation:

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may withdraw from the study at any time. Submitting the form would indicate that you consent to the study. 

For any concerns or queries, contact:

Principal Investigator, Yashvi Badani

Supervisor, Dr. Avanika Sinha

Email *
Age *
Which sex were you assigned at birth? *
Which of the following options describe you the best? *
Are you open about your LGBTQ status? *
Are you a citizen of India?  *
Clear form
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