Inner Circle
If you are a former client or student who is serious about your financial growth and scaling to 6 figures, I am ready to take you with me. I have limited spots available to join me in my inner circle for the next 12 months. Serious inquiries only. Please note this is a $20,000 investment. Do not apply if you are not serious, I do have funding available if your credit score is 640 or higher and have worked on your job for at least 8 months. You must already have a business to be accepted.  If chosen, You will be notified by phone.
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Email Address: *
What's the biggest obstacle keeping you from your goal? If Money is your answer, explain what you are doing to improve your finances. *
Briefly describe your situation, What you've done to try and fix the issue and anything that you feel is blocking you from getting the "thing" you want? (ex. confidence, the right coach, resource, money, etc.) *
What stage of business are you in? *
I am only working with high-level business women/high-earning professionals who want to learn, grow, and profit. Why should I choose to have this conversation with you? *
If you're accepted into the Inner Circle, how soon do you want to get started increasing/replacing your full-time income? *
If you're accepted into the Inner Circle, how willing & able are you to invest into personal growth/making 5 figures/month RIGHT NOW? *
Current Monthly Income? *
What is your credit score? *
Desired Monthly Income *
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