Parent's Night Out- First Mt. Juliet
First Mt. Juliet Kids is hosting Parent's Night Out for Babies-5th Grade on Saturday, December 5th from 4-7pm.  Check your kids in at First Baptist Church kids building for some fun including: rotations for recreation,  crafts, mini worship time, and pizza! They will be placed in age appropriate classes.  Cost is $15 per child with a $30 family max(pay when you drop off).  For kids that don't want pizza, please bring your child(s) a dinner.  For the safety of your child, all of our workers are background checked, gone through a safety course, and many are certified in adult, child, & infant CPR.  There will be a nurse and MJPD on campus.

 We are located at 735 N. Mt. Juliet Rd. Once you enter the campus follow the signs to the Children's Ministry Building.  If you have any questions, feel free to email us a   
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Adreça electrònica *
Parent's Name *
Parent's Cell Number *
Emergency Name and Cell # (other than parent) *
Name and age/grade of child(ren): please list each child's name, age AND grade(if applicable) *
Any special needs that we need to be aware of?
Do you have a church home? *
Have you set up a KidCheck account?  (More info below)                         *
Setting up a KidCheck account:
To help make check-in smoother for you at drop off you can set up your KidCheck account now!  It takes less than 10 minutes. Signing up for KidCheck is easy and free for parents/guardians.   (We will have laptops for you to do this when you arrive as well)                                                                                                                                            
Account Setup Instructions:                                                                        
1. Visit or download the KidCheck app on a mobile device                        
2. Select the link to create a free KidCheck account                                                                        
3. Fill in the requested fields, and agree to the terms of use.   *Enter: First Baptist Church Mt. Juliet under organization.                                                                        
Adding Children and Guardians:
Locate the “Kids” tab.
1. Select the link to add a new child, and input your child’s information. Click the save button when you are done.
2. Locate the “Guardians” tab. This is where you will input additional guardians whom you would like to be able to pick up the children you’ve listed. Add their information. Remember to click save when you are done.                                                                                                                  
S'enviarà un correu electrònic amb una còpia de les teves respostes a l'adreça que has proporcionat.
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