Full In-Person Return to School
Penn Manor School District is considering a return to school for all students (K-12) five days a week. In doing this, we will continue to follow the precautions that have been put in place.  However, with all students back in school there would be limitations of social distancing in classrooms, more students on buses, and in the cafeterias.  We are asking for your feedback regarding a full in-person return to school. Please complete the following survey by Tuesday September 15, 2020.
I have student(s) in the following level(s) *
I have student(s) that attend the following school(s) *
For Elementary students in grades K-6, which school model do you prefer?
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For middle school students in grades 7-8, which school model do you prefer?
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For high school students in grades 9-12, which school model do you prefer?
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My student(s) has successfully acclimated to the present blended-learning format. *
Your Name (Optional)
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