SUMMER SOUND GARDEN at SILVERWOOD PARK: Saturday JUNE 29  12-4:30pm                   
Register here for the SUMMER SOUND GARDEN performance installation at Silverwood Park on Saturday June 29 (Rain Date Sun June 30)  from 12-4:30pm. This allows us to share important details and updates about the event, including any changes due to bad weather. You can sign up below to receive email announcements for upcoming Sound Garden events at   You can also follow Wavelets Creative on Facebook and Instagram.
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Sarah Baumert, Leslie O'Neill, and Erika Hansen rehearse on W River Pkwy
Percussionist Ms. GuGu of the Free Range Orchestra rehearses for the Summer Sound Garden on 
THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING FOR THE SUMMER SOUND GARDEN at Silverwood Park! Our Rain Date for this event is the following day, Sunday June 30 at the same time, 12-4:30pm, only in the case of severe weather on the 29th.
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